Our Travel Planning Continues:
After enjoying a breakfast at the beach this morning (much as we are looking forward to our adventure we will miss our local beaches) we headed home not realising what would happen.
It started yesterday with me sorting through and washing the girls baby clothes, putting my wedding dress in the bin (time has not been kind to it 🙁 ) This was very hard but it is not like it will ever be worn again and it has followed us all over Australia for the last 23 years so the time had come to get rid of it.
Today Ron brought in the girls boxes, filled with every school portfolio, school photos, school reports etc. To this I started adding bits and pieces that they had left behind when they left home.. oh an the baby clothes. This is not a hint of any kind as we are hoping they don’t decide to bless us with grandies for many years but they need to have these things so we do not have to store them. We will also be getting out all the family heirloom type things in the next few weeks and they can work out what they want and what they don’t want will be sold or handed on to other family members.
The Next Stage In Our Travel Planning:
The next stage was moving things into one of the rooms ready for a Garage Sale, the plan is to have one late September with all the things we don’t use so far over 50 recipe books, some of my craft things, teddies and a variety of other bits and pieces this to add to the 350 books I need to get rid of will hopefully add some money to our travelling fund.
So we get to Sunday night tired but knowing we have made a dent in our things…..now we are looking forward to heading off on our trial two weeks in Malaysia…no plans no deadlines so should be interesting.
We are about to have our first child and are in the process of getting rid of things that we don’t need. I think that having too many things really traps us and keeps us from our true potential…they are just a distraction. Kudos to you for cleaning out your lives for a fresh start!
Congratulations on your impending motherhood Shanna,I hope parenthood is a wonderful fulfilling and positive experience for you both. I found it really hard to get rid of things when my girls were young hence their big boxes of reports etc so if you are aware of the problem with things before you have children your life will be much more clutter free.
Sorry you had to let go of your wedding dress, I felt for you. hugs Bev.
Thanks Bev so far it was the hardest thing I have had to do in this journey….I am sure more challenges will arise before we set foot on the plane. Michele