Leaving Skye

It rained all night and after looking at the forecast we decided it was time to be leaving Skye and to head south to try and find some sun. We really enjoyed our stay at Glendale and may stay there next time we’re in Skye.

We thought we would at least try and do a couple of things off Michele’s list one being visit the Fairy Pools. This had been on the hit list since she saw a photo similar to the one at the top of the page (photo courtesy of http://imgur.com/tSrs2)……sadly when we arrived the heavens opened and it looked like this:

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So the trip to the Fairy Pools were abandoned. It continued drizzling on and off as we headed towards Kyleakin but lifted just before we got there. We grabbed some lunch and got some directions of where we may be able to spot otters (another off Michele’s list).

We found a spot and scanned the water as the clouds got darker eventually spotting one. It wasn’t a David Attenborough moment with us watching the otter play. We watched it for a while swimming before it dived, just in time for us to get a photo of its back. However it was a great reward after searching so many places throughout Scotland and out on the islands. Sadly no photos so here is what we saw taken by a better photographer 🙂

Photo courtesy of http://ebirder.wordpress.com/tag/scottish-nature-photographer-of-the-year/
Photo courtesy of http://ebirder.wordpress.com/tag/scottish-nature-photographer-of-the-year/

The rain returned so we skipped our next stop of Eilean Donan Castle,(it was so fogged in we couldn’t even get a picture) and headed on to Fort William. We rode around until we found a hostel right under Ben Nevis. We were really impressed, it had a nice twin room, a shared bathroom and cooking facilities, at a reasonable price.

Once we’d set up two American guys arrived. They’d just walked The West Highland Way from Glasgow, about 96 miles (155 km) in five days. It was great hearing about their hike and their life adventures. We broke the cards out and taught the guys how to play Chicago. Angelo and Tyler were really nice guys, and as the saying goes “nice guys finish last” and they got a good old fashioned schooling.

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It was a nice night, having a few laughs tomorrow we’re heading out on family business to find the ruins of the family croft.

Tonight we stayed at Achintee Farmhouse Hostel link to website is here They also have B&B accommodation if you prefer.

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